Friday, March 12, 2010

Feeling the Height and Breadth of the Land: Written on November 5, 2009 while in Yisrael

Sorry for the gap between emails, but with limited computer access we must pick our spots.  So in advance I apologize for the length.  If Judah and Ephrayim are to be a weapon in Abba's hands, then there is going to be a whole lot of bending and straightening.

The Shomeron: Yisrael's Heartland

Abba blessed us by giving us the opportunity to visit the Shomeron.   We spent 2 nights in Alfei (pronounced Al-fay) Menashe (meaning thousands of Menasses).  We had a blessed time with our hosts who took us further inside the Shomeron visiting Har Bracha and seeing the Land which is destined for the sons of Ephrayim.  We were able to visit with an old friend who I have not seen in years as he made aliyah from South Africa.  We conversed about Ephrayim's return and what would need to take place for Judah to receive Ephrayim.  Shall Ephrayim truly realize that they are an untrained calf?  Will Judah receive his late arriving brother with joy?

There are unavoidable observations in the Shomeron.  We gained an understanding how the spirit of Islam spreads out and believes wherever they have placed their foot; their god has given it to them.  They attempt to erase evidence of Yisrael's existence here at any opportunity. The enemy steals spiritual truths from the Word to use to spread their religious influence.  The Shomeron is crying out for the sons of Ephrayim to have as great a regard for this land as the rest of Yisrael.   This really is Yisrael's heartland and the enemy is trying to take it away and steal any sign of our heritage.  Abba is destined to use a bow filled with arrows to accomplish a victory over the mountains of Ephrayim.

Back in Yerushalayim

Being away from Yerushalayim for 2 nights was quite an adjustment.   I felt a spiritual oppression or heaviness upon arriving back into the City.  I asked Abba to show me if I was allowing any spirits to have their way with me, but he was quiet on this matter.  The oppression left 3 days before Yom Kippur at the Kotel (Western Wall).  As I was sitting on a chair watching everyone pass by I saw an ultra Orthodox man speaking in American English to 2 other men.  One was referred to as Rav Kook.  He asked the men, "What are they singing over at the Wall?"  They responded that it was a song of grief.   The man responded, "I don't understand, it's Shabbos! Shabbos is joy!"   Abba pierced through the oppression as it began to lift that night.

Simcha (Joy) in the Whole House

We were invited to go to a house of an Orthodox rabbi in Yerushalayim.  He opens his house to any one who wants to come and has a love for Yisrael.   As many come, he happily packs them in!  They make sure you feel at home and comfortable.  You definitely feel welcomed there!!  Throughout the night we were eating as he discussed tidbits on Yom Kippur.  Some would break out in song after the discussion.   It was a very joyous experience.   Afterwards, I was speaking with a big, burly Orthodox Jew (I say this out of love)!  We stayed late laughing and talking as he was teaching me Hebrew using a child-like approach.  As he was testing me, others behind him and Reyyna on my right side, would move their lips to give me a clue.  He would comment and say, "Hey no helping!"  It became like a game.  It was hilarious!  There was such a sense of family and acceptance.  They asked no questions, nor did we, regarding beliefs.  We were there together and we were family.  I thought about it later and it brought joyful tears to my eyes. The night was a lesson that people of Ephrayim need to know.  Take the opportunity and just be with your brother and leave your agenda at YHWH's altar.

Joy on Yom Kippur?

About 7 years ago I attended an Orthodox Yom Kippur service in Cape Town, South Africa.  It was a somber occasion.  So going to the Kotel on Erev Yom Kippur, I will have to admit, I came with some preconceived notions that Abba dispelled.  It was not somber in the least.  I prayed at the Wall thanking Abba for bringing me in the midst of my brother Judah.  I genuinely felt a sense of family during that time like at the rabbi's house.

Had we not gone to the Wall, we would have not had the chance to witness to a precious group of Indonesian brethren.  They were curious to know what the day "Yom Kippur" was all about and what everyone was doing at the Wall.  After we shared with them, they asked us to pray for them because they've witnessed an increase in persecution in Indonesia.  Like in Yisrael, the spirit of Islam has been the persecuting force amongst believers there.  In the humbleness of heart, they mentioned that the purpose of their pilgrimage was to pray for the peace of Yerushalayim and the people of Yisrael. 

After speaking with the Indonesian kinsmen, we heard singing behind us!  About 25 young men, sitting in a circle, with others behind them, started singing the songs of Yisrael!!!  The ones we knew, we sang along with them!  The Spirit of shalom emanated through the brisk autumn air.  What a way to start a fast!!!  Full of His Shalom!!!  


Abba has shown us so clearly that we are not here to push an agenda.  Ephrayim's role is to stand with Judah, to love their brother, and through our life demonstrate the life of Messiah.  If you come with the right heart and attitude, you will see Judah bending to receive Ephrayim.  Our experience at the rabbi's house demonstrated alot of bending on Judah's part.   Ephrayim are you ready to do what is necessary to straighten your arrow to fill Judah's bow?


Tzefanyah and Reyyna
Chazak Chazak v'nitchazek
Let us be strong, let us be strong and let us
strengthen (encourage) one another!
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Enlisted As A Soldier: Written September 22, 2009 while in Yisrael

Shalom Kol Yisrael,

The past few days in Yerushalayim have been amazing.   One thing that Father impressed upon my heart is that we cannot be a soldier until you step on to the battlefield.  Previously, we wrote that Abba has been speaking to our hearts about being tzofim or scouts and how this words root is tzofa/tzofay (female/male)  meaning watchman.   Before we left for Yisrael we went to say goodbye to a brother who we had been staying at.  They had some mail for us.   There was a package from ebay.  The return address said something like, "Soldier services from the Carolinas."  Inside the package was a CPU (Central Processing Unit) for a Pentium 3 computer.   If I wasn't paying attention,  I wouldn't have noticed.  But, I believe it was a package from YHWH.   If you know computers, the CPU controls the computer. It is the "father" of the computer.  The CPU "instructs" other computer equipment harddrives, printers, mouse and keyboard to do their job.  Reyyna and I have been enlisted, conscripted into His Army.  The USA is basic training.  Yisrael is the battlefield.  There are so many forces contending for Yerushalayim and for this country Yisrael.  Basic training cannot reveal to you the fullness of the battle.  Other soldiers in arms may come and speak to you about the battlefield, but until you actually enter the "fray" do you see it and understand the enemies.  Brothers and sisters, come for a month if you can.  Tours insulate you from the battle.  I was here in 1998 on a tour and I did not see what I have been seeing now.  I am in a much different place now.  I really don't think I was ready for the battlefield.  The same spirits that Y'shua faced are still here.  Spirits of greed, religion, fear, unloving spirits.  Light and darkness collide here.   But, never let the enemy convince you that this is not a good land.  Without a spirit of Yehoshua and Calev, you will see all these spirits as giants.  If you haven't begun to face them in your own life, when you get here they will overwhelm you.  Start your basic training Yisraelites in the diaspora, we need more soldiers.

Mishpochah in the USA said to us, "You are going for us."  This reminds me of responses to soldiers who go away to war for their country.  Citizens realize they are going to battle for them.

Yerushalayim is not a "magical" city like Disney land; real battle for the hearts and minds of people is going on here.   Before we entered the Old City a few days ago, we were video taping.  I said to the camera that this is the place where light and darkness collide.  Shortly after, the battle was displayed before us as we went to look at the Western Wall.

Here are highlights of that trip:

  • After explaining explain about the collision of light and darkness a man approached us and asked us take his picture.  We came to find out that he was from Denmark.  He came from an Orthodox family and now displayed a hatred for his own people.   He was an atheist and fully in the camp with the enemies of Yisrael and believed the people of Yisrael had no right to protect themselves. He went on and on.  Many of you have already heard this story!   We realized that conversation was going nowhere so we allowed him to walk ahead of us and we went in another direction as we proceeded into the old city.
  • As were walking through the streets of the Old City investigating on our own a man came up to us and asked us if we knew where we were going and he could show us around.  He said that he was a Moroccan Jew and a believer in Y'shua.  He said his name was David.  He was very nice and cordial and showed us around and did a good job of explaining things.  You will see him on our video.  By the time we reached the end of our journey his fruit was displayed.  He asked for money when he in no what said that he was a tour guide.  The Ruach already asked us to give him something.  But, he demanded more than what we gave.  We firmly said we could not give more.  The man acted insulted.
  • Before that final incident with David, an Orthodox man came up to me wanting to put a red thread around my wrist.  I, of course, refused his insistence.  He said it was good luck and I said I already had the blessings of HaShem.  Then he asked for a donation for the poor and needy he said.  We gave him a shekels, but he demanded more.  I explained to him that is all I could give - he finally realized I wouldn't budge and accepted what I gave and gladly he left with his red threads.
  • Merchants in the Old City would nearly run after you asking you to come to their store.  We ignored them and they all responded like they were insulted.  Abba made clear that we are not hear to buy trinkets, but we are here to pray for this place, know our enemy, and fight as good soldiers.   One thing is clear if the Temple was rebuilt the merchants would converge on it just like in Y'shua's day.   I will say this.  The Jewish quarter had a much more pleasant atmosphere.  Other than the incident with Orthodox man, we enjoyed being there than any other place in the Old City.
Yesterday, we went into the Old City.  This time we had a believer who believes in the ingathering of all of Yisrael's exiles.  We had some blessed fellowship with James and his Israeli girlfriend (also a like-minded believer).  He is a gifted musician.   We went to the Jerusalem Archaelogical Park.  We walked on actual steps from the 2nd Temple period.  And touched a stone that Y'shua would have touched when going into the Hulda Gate.  

While at the Archaelogical Park, we found ourselves in the midst of Yisraeli soldiers.  Now what was the Father impressing upon our hearts?   Quite literally Abba put us in the midst of them while we were looking at the golden menorah which is going into the 3rd Temple.  We said to them we appreciate them and were praying for them.  As we went through the Park on numerous occasions we were amongst them as if Abba was saying we truly are being inducted into service for Him as we contend as watchmen and soldiers for the battle of Yerushalayim and this Land.

A Place of Miracles

If you come here with the right heart and mind, this place will be to you a place of great miracles and blessing.  While fellowshipping with fellow believers at a home here in Yerushalayim, I cried out during worship that I have been delivered from a spirit of fear.  After this declaration, I have experienced further physiological miracles in my body related to spirits of fear.  Before this miracle, we felt refreshing rains coming down for 2 days here!!  A major miracle, particularly if you understand how severe the drought is here.  I believe that YHWH is preparing the heavens for prophetic events soon to take place in the Land.

 Chag Sameach from Yerushalayim,

Tzefanyah and Reyyna Pappas

Chazak Chazak v'nitchazek
Let us be strong, let us be strong and let us
strengthen (encourage) one another! 
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