Saturday, May 17, 2008

Reaching for the Handshake

4 May 2008

Shalom Kol Yisrael,

Thursday morning I got a call from Abba at 3:30am. When you say hineni (Hebrew: here I am) to the Master, He takes you seriously! I saw a picture in my dream of the Land of Yisrael reaching out as if to shake some one's hand. Then I saw the poor, the widow, and orphan all around. I saw people losing their homes across the USA. I saw other types distress throughout the USA and sensed that this same distress was manifesting itself all over the world. I was weeping for all the sons of Yisrael.

I believe Abba was disclosing a key to how the Land of Yisrael will open up to the House of Joseph (Ephrayim) and how we can become connected to one another. Let me provide you an illustration to communicate the essence of the dream. When I was in high school (Central Minnesota) I went up with my family across the Red River into North Dakota near the Northwest Minnesota area to visit my sister. While there we attended a small Lutheran church. I was totally unfamiliar with Lutherans or their customs. During the service the minister held out his hand to me and said, "Peace be with you." I must have drifted off somewhere because I did not see his hand. My dad elbowed me gently and then I saw the hand of the minister's waiting for me to take his hand and shake with the return reply, "And also with you."

This illustration is very similar to what is happening to some of Messianic Yisrael in the diaspora. We listen to many people, but we fail to listen to the pulse beat of the Land Yisrael. Are we cognizant of what our brother is doing in the Land? Are we aware of those who are reaching out to the poor, the widow and the orphan and ministering the love of Y'shua? Are we aware that there are humble servants who are toiling in that set-apart soil? Those who are citizens have the greatest need for they see their sons and daughters going off to war to protect the nation. Daily they are praying for their children's protection.

Ephrayim has not been paying attention. The hand is out for the hand shake. Our minds have drifted off and Abba is nudging us to wake up. The Land cannot receive us until we reach out for the hand of Yisrael which is represented by believers in Yisrael who are laboring for all of Yisrael's restoration. If we shake the hand and feel the pulse beat of what they are saying and doing over there, I believe the Land will open itself to Joseph. They need our prayers, our support, and encouragement. And in Abba's way all of us will begin to be connected one to another from the west coast to the east coast in the USA and to all the world's continents, coast lands, and isles of the sea. The blessings of Yah emanate from Yisrael. Acts 1:8 reiterates this same sentiment, “But you shall receive power when the Set-apart Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Yerushalayim, and in all Yehuḏah and Shomeron, and to the end of the earth. (emphasis added)” It flows from Yisrael to us and back again.

Are we ready and are we prepared to take the next step to become a discernable nation?

Shavua Tov (Have a good week.)
Tzefanyah Pappas
Chazak Chazak v’nitchazek
Let us be strong, let us be strong and let us
strengthen (encourage) one another!

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